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About us

Frame Marvelous is dedicated to extending the purposes of communication seamlessly through art, whether it be product promotion, visual design, or brand establishment. When the river of creativity collides with the foundation of reason, it sparks resonance within the hearts of both the works and the audience, thus maximizing the significance of visual communication.

Frame Marvelous 致力於將溝通目的流暢地由藝術延展, 無論是產品宣傳、影像設計、品牌建立。 當創意的河流與理性的基石碰撞, 激起作品與觀眾內心的共鳴, 就能最大化視覺傳達的意義。

我們致力於將溝通目的流暢地由藝術延展, 無論是產品宣傳、影像設計、品牌建立。 當創意的河流與理性的基石碰撞, 激起作品與觀眾內心的共鳴, 就能最大化視覺傳達的意義。

Art is a visual medium for us to achieve our communication objective, regardless of the tasks of marketing, branding, or filming. When the flow of creativity hits the stones of the rationality, The works can bring emotional resonance between our ideas and the audiences and maximize the effects and the significance of the visual communication.

About us

Art is a visual medium for us to achieve our communication objective, regardless of the tasks of marketing, branding, or filming. When the flow of creativity hits the stones of the rationality, The works can bring emotional resonance between our ideas and the audiences and maximize the effects and the significance of the visual communication.

我們致力於將溝通目的流暢地由藝術延展, 無論是產品宣傳、影像設計、品牌建立。 當創意的河流與理性的基石碰撞, 激起作品與觀眾內心的共鳴, 就能最大化視覺傳達的意義。






包含前期到後期整體的統籌執行製作,品牌端與製作端的對接順暢,高水準的視覺設計與行銷策略並敘,致力於視覺傳達的最高品質。 我們用視覺留住觀眾的目光,用故事讓觀眾記住訊息,擁有獨到的眼光來呈現我們所看到的世界與感受。

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